Naročite knjige Resnice je zmaga, Slovenci, Slovenske legende in znamenja, Slovenske domoljubne pesmi ter Kralj Samo. Za naročilo kliknite na to povezavo!
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da je slovenski matematik baron Jurij Vega leta 1783 na Dunaju izdal logaritmovnik srednje velikosti preračunan na sedem decimalk, ki je po kakovosti in obširnosti presegal vse dotedanje logaritemske tabele? Ta in vsi njegovi kasnejši logaritmovniki so bili prevedeni v skoraj vse svetovne jezike in so se uporabljali po vsem svetu vse do izuma elektronskega izračunavanja logaritmov. Svojo genialnost pa je Vega pokazal tudi v Avstro-ogrski vojski, v kateri je veljal za utemeljitelja moderne balistike, za kar je prejel tedaj najvišje vojaško odlikovanje Red Marije Terezije.
Association of Patriotic Societies Hervardi
To the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Dr. Danilo Türk
A Republic or an Empire?
Initiative for a referendum on the new European contract
in Maribor, January 9th, 2008
Dear Mr. President of the Republic of Slovenia,
seventeen years ago our Republic of Slovenia was born, an embodiment of dreams and desires of may generations of Slovenes. At that time we promised each other freedom, autonomy and independence, but above all a fundamental human dignity in the large global family of equal nations.
Mister President, the first year of your presidency will be crucial, not only for you and for Slovenia, but for all of Europe and for the whole world. We do not envy you the position you are in. On the contrary, we hope that, when the time for the historic decision comes, you will be able to make the right decision according to your conscience and your political wisdom.
Before us is a year, when the destiny of our country as well as the destiny of our continent and its entire population will be decided. The contract, prepared by the European leaders, will fundamentally change the political and conceptual image of this part of the world, which will not be without consequences elsewhere. The impulse of European political elites to integrate sovereign national states into a bundle of like-minded citizens is understandable from a historical view and has been tried before; however, in the eight year of the third millennium of the western civilization it is deeply anachronistic and anti-evolutionary.
Mister President, what instrument should we use to help us understand the fact that up to now only the Irish have been promised to decide for themselves at a referendum on the new Lisbon Treaty at a referendum? Less than three million souls only will have the democratic right to decide on the destiny of five hundred million, Mister President! How can we accept the European Union as our democratic legitimate community, when the political leaders in 26 states do not listen to their citizens who only wish to exercise their right to decide about their future in the most democratic way possible – by means of referenda?
Mister President, by becoming the first among equals you have bound yourself to be active, to stand up for every one of us and to serve us all. Will you stand the test of time, which is running out? Will you listen to more than the half of your citizens who say that decreasing the sovereignty of our country and the sovereignty of each and every one of us can only be legitimately decided upon only the way it is written in Article 3. of our Constitution – the People exercise their power primarily in a direct way?
In Republic of Slovenia the power is vested in the People and the People do not elect their ninety representatives for four years so that these representatives would then silence them, cover their eyes and ears for the next four years! The People are the original sovereign and it is only us, the voters – even though it is always slippery both in an ethical and moral way – who can allow such temporary and generation-limited decrease of sovereignty, should they judge that some benefits are worth the temporary limited freedom. We, Hervards, as protectors of the right of the Slovene people to freedom, will not stand by idle in this very moment when the Slovene nation is without any real debate - taken on a path of slavery by the short-sighted and complacent politicians – the slavery to the new European Empire.
What has happened to all the great empires in the history? Does Europe intend to enforce a final solution to its political question to all other nations and cultures of the Earth? How threatening will a single-minded Europe be to other nations and to other communities of the world? Will they not be forced to react defensively and thus only contribute to the new tensions in the world?
We, Hervards, will do everything in our power so that – before the Republic of Slovenia after the loss of a part of its political, military and economic sovereignty commits itself to any additional losses of the reminder of its sovereignty – our Slovene nation will be given the opportunity to make that decision at a general referendum. Fair rules should provide for a balanced and equal presentation of all arguments. A clear, transparent and fair set of rules for carrying out the referendum are fundamental to direct democracy. Without them we can not speak about democracy, much less claim to practise one! And trust us, in the fight for democracy we will give everything we have!
Should, however, the Slovene people be denied a referendum on such an important historical decision by the political elite and thus be robbed of such an elementary democratic right, then, Mister President, the choice will be only up to You, the first among equals, to sober his people up after the terrible mistake and make them repeat the process. You will have the opportunity to refuse to sign the ratification of an international treaty that could bring unforeseen democratic digression to Slovenia and Europe.
With the sincere wishes that it does not come to that, we urge You - Mister President - to help us convince the Government, the members of the Parliament and maybe even the National Council, to give us, the citizens, with the same fundamental rights that the citizens of Ireland have and which all member states of the European Union should have.
Give us a referendum, Mr. President!
for the Association of Patriotic Societies Hervardi
Andrej Šiško
Pregovor dneva Težko svojemu brez svojega. več pregovorov
Dogodki: 1927 ustanovljena protifašistična organizacija TIGR Smrti: 1892 Matija Majar Ziljski, slovenski (koroški) duhovnik, narodni buditelj, jezikoslovec (* 1809) 1589 Jurij Dalmatin, slovenski protestant, pisec, prevajalec (* ok. 1547)