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 |  |  |  |  | Naročite knjige Resnice je zmaga, Slovenci, Slovenske legende in znamenja, Slovenske domoljubne pesmi ter Kralj Samo. Za naročilo kliknite na to povezavo! |
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Association of Patriotic Societies Hervardi - short presentation & contact info
Contact information
Ruška cesta 100
2000 Maribor
tel.: 040 491 123
email: zdh at hervardi dot com
Zakoniti zastopnik: Andrej Šiško
Uradne ure: Vsako sredo med 14.00 in 17.00 uro
HERVARDI, društvo za ohranjanje domoljubnih tradicij
Miklavška 26, 2000 Maribor
tel.: 041 334 250
email: info at hervardi dot com
Matična številka: 1742205
Davčna številka: 12102865
Št. transakcijskega računa: 04173-0001085915
IBAN: SI56041730001085915
Zakoniti zastopnik: Lovro Škrinjarič
Domoljubno društvo HERVARDI ŠENTILJ
Cvetlična ulica 7
2212 Šentilj v Slov. goricah
tel.: 041 808 823
email: infoshentilj at hervardi dot com
Matična številka: 1914723
Zakoniti zastopnik: Anton Kramberger
Domoljubno društvo HERVARDI LJUBLJANA
p.p. 5119
1001 Ljubljana
tel.: 041 362 936
email: infolj at hervardi dot com
Zakoniti zastopnik: Borut Kaplja
Short presentation
Our organization – Hervardi societies, united in the Association of Patriotic Societies Hervardi, is much broader than the narrow party views of our political “elite”! We are united and connected by the ultimate value, given to us on birth – our Slovene nationality! We are connected by the Slovene language, the Slovene history, the Slovene culture (months, traditional national costumes,…), by our way of life, our common ancestors. In the political sense our programme is a modern, united Slovenia, where we can all feel proud and safe.
We are convinced that in today’s multicultural society, which, in our opinion, brings on a series of negative phenomena, we have to establish at least a balance toward various anti-national and other tendencies! That is our moral right and duty! We Slovenes represent only 0.033% of Earth's population; therefore we do not pose a threat even to our neighbours. However, we Slovenes are an important link in the chain of human nations, to which our ancestors contributed much more than we are aware of. Our disappearance would mean a great loss to humankind.
Considering the percentage of Earth’s population we Slovenes represent today and considering that Slovenia covers less than 0.004% of Earth’s surface, we have enough reasons to say loud and clear: "We want to remain what we are and we want the same for our sons, grandchildren and great-grandchildren as well!”
The Slovene people have been an example for Europe since as far back as the first century A.D., with our unique people's democracy and the original transfer of power from the people to the ruler, which served as a base for Slovene law, called “Institutio Sclavenica”. “Consuetudo Sclavorum”, the renowned ritual of enthroning the Slovene Carinthian Dukes, was a constituent part of the aforementioned law and served as an inspiration and guideline to numerous humanists and law theorists, among them Eneus Silvius Picolomini – Pope Pius II., the French theorist and philosopher Jean Bodin and the author of the American Declaration of Independence – Thomas Jefferson.
In the present social period we live in, we Slovenes are once again facing a similar situation our ancestors have faced many times before. As a nation with an open country, located on the juncture of Romanic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric and "Slavic worlds", we are inevitably influenced by the languages and cultures of our neighbours. In the era of our planet's globalization, in a time when the Earth is being pillaged and destroyed, the young generations bear the weight of the burden. Sooner or later they inevitably clash with the concept of identity and start to think about their roots.
Republic of Slovenia should be the one to inform the young Slovene people of the true Slovene history, the constant struggle for survival and existence that our ancestors had to endure. We have numerous bright examples, which should be looked up to by the future generations! However, there are also many negative ones, which our young generations should avoid, but in order to do so they should be educated about them. Above all it is important to achieve unity, happiness and harmony among us all. Sadly, the Republic of Slovenia currently does not live up to the expectations in this regard. Therefore, we, Slovene patriots, have to unite in a common organisation that will know how to and be able to represent out interests! Thus the Association of Patriotic Societies Hervardi was born.
The future of the Slovene people, our culture and tradition lies in our hands. In a society that is becoming increasingly global and multicultural there is more and more intertwining of the cultures, which can lead to loss of orientation for individuals and they stray from their Slovene culture. We are confident that we have to preserve everything that signifies us as a united, Slovene nation for the present and future generations. We are not just Europeans, but first and foremost we are Slovenes! The Europeans will stay, even if we Slovenes should disappear.